Welcome to Tradedeer.co.nz
... taking deer online.
Tradedeer.co.nz is proudly the largest and most comprehensive list of deer breeders
and stud animals in New Zealand.
Online since 27th October 2007. We list; Stag sales, hind sales, semen, Deer Breeders
of world class deer genetics, list private sales, public auctions and link to online
auctions. Venison production animals, velvet genetics and trophy animals. Red Deer
Elk, Wapiti and Fallow Deer. English, Warnham, Woburn, Furzeland, Schulte Wrede
German, European Eastern, and composite breeds. Deer Breeding services, transport,
agents, research, velvet and hard antler buyers, AI Services, Industry Organisations,
Disease Research, DNA testing and much much more.
In easy to follow pages, information is laid out in a consistent format so you can
compare breeders, individual animals and related services. Where additional information
is available a direct link takes you to websites for further information.
To use Tradedeer follow a consistent left hand menu to view;
- Sales – We have standard sale listings to promote annual auctions
and private treaty sales and a detailed sale listing that can be included in any
sale listing to promote individual breeding animals, showing pedigree details and
breeding data for each animal. A link can also be provided to promote any online
auctions by linking the sales listing directly to the actual auction page on the
online auction site.
- Stud / Farm Profiles – Provide a comprehensive list of breeders,
complete with all contact details and information about breeding programs with photos,
and where available a list of their profiled animals. Studs / Farms can be searched
on Name, Breed, what they are breeding for and what they are selling.
- Animal Profiles – Give the breeding details of each animal, its
species, Breed and pedigree details. Where pedigrees’ show an animal that has a
profile, a direct link is provided so you can easily follow the breeding History.
Relevant statistics and any achievements are also included. The details of each
animal can be searched on Name, Sire, Dam, Breed, what the animal is being bred
for and what is available for sale.
All the above listings follow a one page five photo format, with a photo, logo and
a 20 word introduction. When you click on the photo or logo, the page opens to provide
1 large and 4 small photo’s. All enlarge when clicked on and up to 150 words of
additional information and additional details appear and can be viewed by scrolling
down. Links appear for relating pages.
- Service Providers - Is a detailed listing of services relevant
to the class of stock you are looking at. A one page two photo layout give details
of services offered, contacts and links to supporting information, (like latest
price lists, order forms and other related information). Where available a direct
link is also provided to their website.
- Events Calendar – The Calendar of events is a list of known events
for that class of stock; sales, competitions, conferences, field days, focus farm
events and the like are listed and where events relate to advertisers on the site
a direct link is added to the event to provide further details.
- Auction – Currently this is a link to a form to collect feedback
from uses of the site on what experience they have had with online auctions. In
time this will be a link to individual online auctions to assist in the promotion
of what is available for sale.
- About Us – Is what you are reading now and if you have any questions
or would like to give us some feedback or would like more information about Tradelivestock
or Tradedeer or any of the team please call me, Sharon Love (07) 332 3647 or (027)486
4341 or e-mail Tradedeer@xtra.co.nz.
- Links – Is a page of links to associated websites that may also
be of interest.
- Contact us – Is an easy way to make contact directly from the website.
- Weather – a direct link to the long range weather met service website.
- Latest updates – For frequent uses of the site we have a page which
lists in date order what has been updated since you last visited. This was created
after some valuable feedback for one of our clients.
- Log In and Register – You don’t have to register to view any part
of the Tradedeer or TradeLivestock websites. However if you would like to become
and advertiser and update your own information you will need to register with us.
Advertising on Tradedeer ...
Tradedeer.co.nz is a dynamic marketing tool.
Our user friendly website offers an interesting and informative way for all farmers
to promote and market the stock they produce. We also cater for service providers
to the industry, where they can advertise their goods and services for the farmer.
TradeDeer.co.nz is a tool that the industry can use as a directory for stock-related
products and services, not only to provide a comprehensive database of studs and
stud animals with a total breeding history, but to enable the industry and farmers
as a whole to access this information. The site enables breeders and individuals
to advertise themselves, their stock and services to the rest of the industry and
the world.
Advertisers on the site are able to update their own listing data on easy-to-follow
templates. Stud and animal profiles include five photos per profile which can be
updated as many times as the advertiser wants.
We are committed to promoting TradeDeer.co.nz for the benefit of our clients by
advertising in Deer Industry News, The Deer Farmer and seasonal advertising in the
Rural Papers.
Advertisers on the site updating their own information just need to send an e-mail
to let us know what you have updated to be included on the latest updates page.
Listings start from only $250 per annum.
Behind the idea ...
Tradedeer was the testing ground for an idea that forms a farming community online.
With a background in Marketing and working in a corporate environment for 15 years
before spending 4 years hands on farming gave me the experience to realise that
for farmers to use the internet as a tool it needed to be practical and to the point.
The Tradedeer website has been designed with everything in the same format when
looking at like items and the products and services all relate to the deer industry.
It can be frustrating when search engines give you maybe 1 or 2 sites you want,
but miss the other 20 that might appear much later in the search. Also after developing
a website you still have to market your web address so people can find you and it
takes a lot of work to be in the first 10 pages of a Google search.
Tradedeer only gives you deer and deer related information and links. We have promoted
the name and been active in the industry to be a recognised brand. The success of
the site is proven its reach with statistics showing from Jan 2010 to 20th July
2010 the site has had 6153 visits from 1793 unique visitors with them spending on
average 5.46 mins per visit.
With over 4600 breeding deer on the database and more than 300 profiled animals
we have also created an important research tool for the future of New Zealand Deer
Meet Team TradeLivestock ...
Sharon Love – Director and Major Shareholder
Rural Website Marketer and founder of Tradedeer and Tradelivestock from Rotorua
- While deer farming for 4 years from 2003 with parents Don and Liz Love- Deer Trophy
Breeders from Rotorua, the concept for Tradedeer was born. Many hours chatting to
Dad of how “Love Red Deer “could be better promoted and cut down some of the commissions
paid along the way.
With a background of 15 years in the corporate world in marketing and administration
roles, and a year at culinary school getting even more of a passion for cooking
venison, I had all the right ingredients to get an industry website off the ground.
While farming I served 2 years in an elected position on the Executive Committee
of the NZ Deer Farmers Association and was Secretary and member of Rotorua Branch
I have been an integral part of redeveloping, and
running the National Rising stars Hard antler and velvet competition held in February
for the last 4 years and Tradedeer has supported both the North Island and National
competitions since our launch in October 07.
April 2009 saw a change of direction when the farming business restructured giving
me the opportunity to develop the Tradedeer concept to include other forms of livestock.
I hit the road with a caravan in tow and visited most of my deer clients in the
country. From the experience and feedback Tradelivestock developed and expanded
to now include individual website development. We now offer a one stop shop for
your rural online presence.
During November 2009 I worked with Terry Peirson from SCI New Zealand to bring training
to deer farmers involved in the trophy industry in both the north and south island.
Together with Hub Hall Master Measurer and Deer Farmer, developed a Deer Farmer
Measurers manual to allow the measuring of live animals under the SCI system.
I now live in Rotorua with Cassie the dog, Toska and George the cats and work full
time on the websites from home. I am committed to bringing the livestock industry
an easy way to find what they are looking for online, and provide a cost effective
tool for the industry to use to market products and services to their target markets.
Bob Atkinson – Director and Shareholder
Deer Farmer and Stud Breeder from Cambridge – with over 25 years experience farming
deer both here in New Zealand and in England. I have a passion for breeding both
huge velvet and impressive trophy heads and have invested extensively in the best
deer genetics from within NZ.
I am a keen badminton player, I have travelled most of the world and as you can
see I also enjoy fishing!
I have been involved with Tradedeer since its launch and share my knowledge as a
farmer and livestock buying in its development.
Rebecca Manahi - Administration

Office Manager from September 07 to December 08 and Sharon’s sister from Rotorua.
After spending 22 years working in administration roles in the timber industry,
I was given the opportunity to join Team TradeLivestock. Not only did I get an office
in the country, but I had the chance to meet a lot of new and interesting people
whilst learning about a totally new industry.
The rural lifestyle is not for everyone and after 15 months I decided to go back
to what I know best, the timber industry. I met some great people and put in the
long hours on the keyboard inputting most of 4,000 + animals that make up the deer
database and the foundation information for the Tradelivestock website.
Our Involvement with Rotorua SPCA
at the farm both Sharon and Rebecca were involved with the Rotorua SPCA.
We were approached in February 2008 to foster an old heading dog
called Lass that had been terribly neglected and was basically a bag of bones when
we got her. Our success with her lead to being asked to foster tow more very skinny
neglected dogs that went back to the SPCA for adoption.
Lass unfortunately passed away in July 08, after being diagnosed with cancer. She
was a real joy to have around the place and even taught Cassie a thing or two about
rounding up sheep. We are happy that her last 5 months were a well earned comfortable
Lass just before she came to live with us, (pictured right) weighed just 9.5kg!
And (pictured left) was a healthy 18kgs. She now gets to live on in the logo for
Tradelivestock, doing what all good dogs do and make farm life a bit easier.
All details and descriptions on the website have been supplied to Tradedeer.co.nz
Ltd and Tradelivestock by studs, farms, individuals and service providers by means
of written information, individual’s websites and/or sales catalogue information.
Although every care has been taken to ensure accuracy, Tradedeer.co.nz Ltd and their
employees do not accept any responsibility as to incorrect descriptions, errors,
omissions or incorrect statements contained within the website, including those
incorrect descriptions, errors, omissions, or incorrect statements caused either
directly or indirectly by the negligence of Tradedeer.co.nz Ltd or their employees.