Wilkins Farming Co - South Island Sale
Falco @ 3
Falco @ 3
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14th Annual South Island Red Stag Sale. 12 January 2024 - 2PM Location - 65 HARVEY RD, OFF SH 6 BETWEEN FIVE RIVERS AND ATHOL ONLINE with bidr

Michael Wilkins
Wilkins Farming Co - South Island Sale
1018 Waipounamu Road
Ph: 64 3 201 6246


Stud Profile Link
 PDF Sale Catalogue

Link to bid for this lot online with BIDR
Sire Profiles
History & Vision Semen Sales

Species Breeds Breeding For Selling Agents  
Red Deer
English Cross
European / English
2 Yr Stags
Max Benseman
PGG Wrightson
Rural Livestock

Postal Address Contacts
1018 Waipounamu Road RD6 Gore 9776 Michael Wilkins - 027 2499 317
Pauline Pattullo - Genetics Manager - 027 249 9309

Conditions of Sale Insurance Guarantees

Welcome to our 15th annual South Island 2-year-old stag sale.
It is pleasing to see venison showing some positive stable pricing when compared with current sheep and
beef returns. We hope we can see the same stability in the weather as well this summer, especially for
those affected in the North Island last year.
This year’s stag offer includes a mix of bloodlines within the Maternal and European line ups including the
first sons of Jameson - a very impressive Mortlach son. We have some nice Korper sons coming through
as well as full brother’s to Megarock and Korper bred by ET. There is also a limited offering of Churchill *
Tui crosses which will capture the English growth rates and the early conception of Tui.
Key highlights of this year’s sales lineup include:
• BIG GEOFF (Maternal - English Cross) – A great selection of Big Geoff crosses including Rock Me
and Churchill with EMAeBV +1.78, physical loin measurement of +5.8 kg and W12eBV’s of +20.
• ROCK ME, MEGAROCK AND KORPER (Maternal - English Cross) – Good meat yield with EMAceBV
up to +1.28 combined with good growth – W12eBV’s up to +18.4 and calving date BV’s up to
-3.5 days.
• BIG DON (European) – A young sire coming through producing outstanding growth rate sons who
are up to 141 kg at 11 months – combining fabulous meat yield potential with great temperaments.
• MORTLACH (European) - Another young sire coming through with growth rate and meat yield
potential – loin weights up to 5.8kg. Mortlach is the sire of impressive Jameson who was a massive
219 kg at 15 months.
• JAMESON (European) – Impressive meat yield with a huge 48.5 cm EMA scan. This big boy
weighed in at 219 kg at only 15 months. Sons with EMAceBV of up to +2.27.
Once again you will have the opportunity to participate in real time, remotely through BIDR, in conjunction
with PGGW. More information about this process is on page 6.
We are excited about the new mating season ahead and the opportunity to keep enhancing both our herd
and yours.
Please note once again we have made the decision to organise the freight on the account of the purchaser,
unless specifically requested otherwise. This is to minimise the risk of injury to your purchases by reducing
the amount of yarding’s. As always we invite you to stay for a BBQ and catch up following the sale.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours in farming,
Michael Wilkins
Wilkins Farming Co

Sale Day Weights Other Information