Apollo FOV
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Achilles SAR Major Peel Kerry
98288PFE Sandy II
03 3007 TOW Pepper Madison Maximilian
01-1003 Charlie Macs Sister Lewis
3068 Dam of Charlie Mac

Apollo has been strategically bred for big royals on a wide spread, with good body and temperament and we have got the lot! An exceptional trophy mix in his pedigree.


AgeLive WeightVelvetHard AntlerInchesCICDBV
2201 kgs 9.12 kgs    
3246kgs 11.38 kgs439 3/8  
4256 kgs 13.06 kgs   
5273 kgs 14 kgs Stripped502  
6285 kgs 14.53kgs506 damaged  
7391 kgs  535  

Also interesting to note that grand dam 1003’s
brother ‘Little Rock’ had an SCI score slightly ahead of
Salvador at 2 years. Great grand dam 3068 is the mega dam at Pelorus Deer stud for trophy genetics. 5th in 2009
rising stars antler competition, with 2 other full
brothers in the Top 5, this confirms the heritability we can
expect from this rising star. Full brother to Tower Farms Holyoake. Apollo is impressive this year with his best head yet.
Breeding For Selling