LDDs15 Lot 18 12136
Sire Altrive 8106 1st National Velvet Competition
Sire Altrive 8106 1st National Velvet Competition
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Altrive 81-06 Swazi AR 00-386 Brutus II
02/94 AR
124-04 Altive AR238-96 Altrive Sire
1-99 ATV
07486 LDD Balmoral Mountbatten
Blue 49
05245 LDD Austin KPD ( Olivers)
03126 LDD

Lot 18 2 year stag 12136 ( Pure Warnham / Woburn ). 12136 has a very thick and even head. He is very quiet and relaxed.


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Breeding For Selling
2 Yr Stags