GLVs15 Lot 15 22-11
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BigShot GLV Hotspot GLV Hotspur
Y846 WDM
Blue 25 Canes Deer
Canes Deer
Green 17 Chris Legend GLV Lewis
GLV 806/08
B3 Chris JJohn GLV
Yellow 4 GLV

Lot 15 3 year stag.Yellow 22-11 ( Pure English ) Last chance for a BIGSHOT son. BIGSHOT (450 IOA, 36 points @ 4 yrs) out of LEGEND dam (665 4/8 IOA, 40 pts) the New SCI World Record #1 - crossbow). ASHLEY BUCK 14.78 kg SAV and BLADE in background too. Nice Stag!


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Breeding For Selling
3 Yr Stags