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Deer Pedigree Analysis:
Pedigree recording is essential to any stud breeding business. Because recording errors are known to occur, a pedigree verification process is a valuable tool. Such verification ensures breeders are getting the maximum amount of genetic progress from their breeding programme and provides the added benefit of purchaser confidence. Pedigree analysis also solves cases of unknown parentage.
Pedigree analysis services offered by Genomnz™ for deer include:
Pedigree verification
Confirming the breeder’s own pedigree records
Sire/Dam match:
Confirming a sire or dam is matched to an offspring
Matching up sires and dams to offspring using only mating and birthing mob records
Identity test:
Proving a sample came from a particular animal
Hybrid identification:
Estimating the amount of elk genetics in elk/red hybrid deer
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Genomnz™ is New Zealand’s leading DNA animal testing service. Genomnz™ delivers genetic analytical services for farmed and high value ruminant animals.

AgResearch Invermay Agricultural Centre
Puddle Alley
New Zealand
Ph: 0800 DNALAB ( 362522)
03 489 9032 Click here for Our Website
Postal Address
AgResearch Invermay Agricultural Centre
Private Bag 50034
New Zealand

Other Contact Details
Ed Styles Direct Dial +64 3 489 9154 Mobile +64 21 79 9154
Team Leader & Customer Manager
Mary McEwan DD 03 489 9140~Mobile 029 293 4414
Systems Manager
Rayna Anderson DD 03 489 9124
Product Development Manager
Rosemary Rickman (Dr) Direct Dial +64 3 489 9020 Mobile +64 21 899 020
Quality & Contracts

Sample Submission Deer Services