Thomas Albert
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Charles Rupert Warnham Park
Warnham Park
91095 Ramasses Warnham Park
Warnham Park
Anna 89869 Andrew 20

Thomas Albert is a truly exceptional pure Warnham Stag. His pedigree contains all of the ingredients for a record velvet cut. Both Charles Rupert and Ramasses combine with the '35' line to produce exceptional beam and length of antler.


AgeLive WeightVelvetHard AntlerInchesCICDBV
2210kg 9.26kg 26 points   
3 5.2kg SA    
4 7.2kg    
5 8.2kg    
6 8.8kg    

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He has top growth rates for a Warnham, the growth rates of his sons are only just behind the Easterns. His velvet has consistency of thickness of beam above and below the trez tyne and he has markedly increased his velvet production every year. This is also evident in his sons.
Breeding For Selling
Master Sire Yes AHB Tag
Species Red Deer Date Born -
Breed Warnham DBVs
Bred By Stanfield's Bushey Park Heritability
Owned By Canterbury Imported Red Deer Stud DNA