Marley NTD
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Banks SAR Horsham Ramasses
Rose 90/079
Y005 ROA Churchill
Yellow 296/00 Myson Mighty
Schulte Wrede Dam
Yellow Black 111/92 Green 56
Red 49

Marley has produced 8.44 kg SA2 as a 3 year old, making his head the heaviest cut off of a 3 year old at Netherdale. 12.30 Kgs SA2 @ 5 Years. Lots 29a and 29B 3 Straws of semen each lot.


AgeLive WeightVelvetHard AntlerInchesCICDBV
065kg weaning     
1129kg 14month     
3 8.44kg SA2    

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Son of Banks - had a terrific head as a 2 year old with excellent tyne placement and a very heavy beam.
Breeding For Selling
Master Sire No AHB Tag
Species Red Deer Date Born -
Breed - DBVs
Bred By Netherdale Red Deer Heritability
Owned By Netherdale Red Deer DNA